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Re: 79 Spit Interior Windshield frame Vinyl Coating?

To: Dave Fain <kc3565l@sprintmail.com>
Subject: Re: 79 Spit Interior Windshield frame Vinyl Coating?
From: Bob Greene <rgreene@whoi.edu>
Date: Mon, 29 Mar 2004 10:03:52 -0500
Thanks Dave:
    Painting it black was the direction I though I would head. Seems the 

Dave Fain wrote:

>Unless you are really hung up on originality, just paint it with black semi 
>gloss.  Nobody will know the difference unless you point it out to them.
>>Hi Spitsters:
>>I have a 1979 Spitfire, in need of the interior windshield frame vinyl. I have
>>tried Nigel @ Spitbits, He tells me this is "not available". Has anyone
>>suggestions & or one they have successfully removed from a parts car, that you
>>may sell? 
>>Bob Greene

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