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Re: Thanks! and Air Rail bolt question

To: Chris King <cbking@alum.rpi.edu>
Subject: Re: Thanks! and Air Rail bolt question
From: Alan Lemen <ralemen@cableone.net>
Date: Tue, 03 Feb 2004 17:53:39 -0700
I went to my local nuts and bolts specialist and they had them, cost 25c 
or so a piece.


Chris King wrote:

>They're 7/16-20 UNF thread. You can use allen-socket set screw as plugs.
>See McMaster-Carr: www.mcmaster.com <http://www.mcmaster.com/> .
>Chris King 
> <-----Original Message----->
>                From: Jambone
>Sent: 2/3/2004 2:02:27 PM
>To: spitfires@autox.team.net
>Subject: Thanks! and Air Rail bolt question 
>If I want to remove my air rail and plug the holes, what size/pitch bolt
>screw should I use? I'd like to be able to add/remove the air rail as 
>situations permit. Seems like I've read that these holes are British
>Fine threads or British Standard Pipe threads, but I can't find the 
>specifications anywhere online or with my local British parts suppliers.
>Best Regards, 
>Brian Hill 
>'76 Spitfire 1500 

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