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Smog Test Passed/Gulp Valve Followup/Spit 4 Sale

To: spitfires <spitfires@autox.team.net>
Subject: Smog Test Passed/Gulp Valve Followup/Spit 4 Sale
From: Brian N <brian@beachcitygas.com>
Date: Fri, 05 Sep 2003 12:37:51 -0700
Well, the 79 Spit passed the California Smog test today.  I've had the 
car 10 years and am rather wearied of the process.  But here are the 
results compared to last time two years ago:

HC (ppm)        Allowed: 180    Last Time: 25   This Time: 31
CO%             Allowed: 1.7    Last Time: .05  This Time: .01
CO2                             Last Time: 11.2 This Time: 10.9
O2                              Last Time: 5.2  This Time: 5.6

This car sails right through the test.  Apparently the questionable gulp 
valve was not an issue.

The gulp valve does not fail to open and sump air rail supply to 
manifold.  That still happens.  But air is drawn from the valve into the 
intake manifold via the vacuum line.  This does not seem right.  But it 
seems to have no effect ether on the valve opening and closing properly, 
or on the smog test.  But I should look for a replacement soon.  If 
anyone has the correct later style (without the bold flange) available 
let me know.

In the mean time, I am attempting to sell the car:


The good news is the smog test is good for 90 days now and does not have 
to be repeated for title transfer within that time.  This is a new law 
change in California.  Used to be you could not use the biennial smog 
check to also transfer title.  A second check was required.  No more, 
though within 90 days.

Enjoy your weekend, everyone!

Brian N.
79 Spitfire
Santa Cruz, CA

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