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Tach Fatality Issue Solved

To: triumphs@autox.team.net, spitfires@autox.team.net
Subject: Tach Fatality Issue Solved
From: Brian N <brian@beachcitygas.com>
Date: Fri, 05 Sep 2003 12:23:20 -0700
Earlier I had posted about the tachometer dying when the brake pedal was 

Well, here's the rest of the story.

When other electrical loads were applied, such as radiator fan, heater 
fan, headlights, the tach would not fail.

There was no physical molestation of the wiring by the brake pedal 
mechanism.  So an abrasion short was ruled out.

And the brake lights would not come  on when the brake pedal was depressed.

However, current to the brake pedal electrical switch was only 3.1 
volts!  So I went to the fuse box and excoriated the ghost of Lucas with 
some contact cleaner, pinched the fuse contacts closer together, 
reinstalled the fuses.  Problem fixed.

And this was after removing and cleaning the tach internals to no avail.

Well, at least I have a clean tachometer!

Brian N.
79 Spitfire

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