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Re: Fuses

To: "Douglas Braun" <doug@dougbraun.com>, <JohnZissler@aol.com>,
Subject: Re: Fuses
From: "Fred Thomas" <vafred@erols.com>
Date: Fri, 30 May 2003 08:37:56 -0400
Doug wrote ::

> I really doubt that chopping up the harness to add more fuses will make
> car more reliable or safe.  You will have more electrical connections to
> and more pits and pieces that could break or get shorted out.
> I have considered adding a single master fusible link or extra-big fuse
for the entire
> electrical system (except for the starter, of course).  But I am hesitant
to do
> this until I can find the right parts that allow it to be truly reliable
and not especially
> ugly or un-original-looking.
I have what appears to be a 100% original T/R 3 (2 fuses from the factory),
but under the battery box completely hidden is a modern electrical panel, on
this panel I have 10 fuses, 6 relays, 4 anti theft/safety/inertia cut offs
and a master battery cutoff and lastly 4 way emergency flashers, designed by
Dan Masters, he also sells these kits ready made for your car in the correct
wiring colors, nice neat job and trouble free, I can truly drive with no
fears of a "Lucas" hazard DANMAS@aol.com  contact him for more info  "NFI"

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