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Re: weather ===no lbc content===

To: Richard.Gosling@atkinsglobal.com, vafred@erols.com,
Subject: Re: weather ===no lbc content===
From: JohnZissler@aol.com
Date: Wed, 28 May 2003 12:41:36 EDT
In a message dated 28/05/03 14:41:39 GMT Daylight Time, 
Richard.Gosling@atkinsglobal.com writes:

> Richard & Daffy (who will be looked at, and hopefully sorted, this evening,
> so I predict thunderstorms in the Aberdeen area tomorrow... ;-) )

Just like my fishing trips............................If you want to know if 
it will rain just phone me to see if I am going fishing ?????
Happy Spitting..................John  (In the UK)

Spitfire MkII in bits. (Others call it restoration)
Spitfire Chassis MkIV (awaiting a spot of welding) I am nearly a collector 
Spitfire Mk III (for spares)   I 'am' a collector !!!!!!

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