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My Spitfire has officially moved to Kentucky

To: "'spitfires@autox.team.net'" <spitfires@autox.team.net>
Subject: My Spitfire has officially moved to Kentucky
From: Rick Gregory <Rick@ncmg.com>
Date: Wed, 28 May 2003 10:33:05 -0600
Hi everyone - well, it is official. The eBay purchaser of my Spitfire landed
last Thursday from Alaska, picked up his "new" Spitfire (weep) and drove off
to Kentucky and it's new home. I guess he made it in Sunday, and the only
problem I know of is he had a tire blowout on him (and they are new!).
Anyway, my former little beauty is in the land of bluegrass and and the
derby, and I hope will be able to meet with many other Spitfire's and their
owners as she continues on her journey to wherever it leads. If any of you
see her, please pay her a special homage on my behalf, and on behalf of all
the former Spitfire owners out there, as well as those yet to be....
Signing off,
Rick Gregory
Great Falls, Montana
Land of one fewer Spitfire

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