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Gaydon Centenial Meet

To: <spitfires@autox.team.net>, <triumph_vitesse@yahoogroups.com>,
Subject: Gaydon Centenial Meet
From: "Mike Strutt" <mike@scimnut.f9.co.uk>
Date: Mon, 26 May 2003 23:39:55 +0100
Well I hope that the url will get through this time.
I had a great day yesterday saw a lot of great old British
cars. I have put my large collection of the days photos on my website @
that's strutt.net/gaydon_2003 in case it doesn't get through!
The Audi with a bike rack on suck in the main cavalcade was a great laugh. If
anybody wants any of the full size originals let me know and I will mail them
too you.

Hope you enjoy regards Mike

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