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To: "'ygpz4re@hotmail.com'" <ygpz4re@hotmail.com>
Subject: Petronix
From: "Smith, Brian (Inland-Gaylord)" <BSmith51@ICCNET.COM>
Date: Tue, 22 Apr 2003 10:29:09 -0500
You asked....
Here's another question about Delco distributors:  I got the recent Moss 
Spitfire/TR-7 catalog, and they noted that the Pertronix Ignitor is not 
available for Spitfire's with Delco distributors.  Is this really true?

No not really.  The last time I bought Points for my '72 with a delco
distributor, the parts guy, a well seasoned veteran of the spares wars, told
me that the points are the same as a "Chevy's" and there are two types,
standard and Heavy duty.  After see the "standard" I bought the H.D.  But
back to your question...The Eastwood catalogue I just got list a pertronix
for "4 and 6 cylinder delco distributors.

Brian Smith
Bogalusa, LA

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