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harnes tape and tach & circuit breakers

To: "spitlist" <spitfires@autox.team.net>
Subject: harnes tape and tach & circuit breakers
From: "griffco" <griffco@griffco.ca>
Date: Thu, 17 Apr 2003 19:29:04 -0600
Thanks guys for the suggestions on metholds of sealing the ends of the wiring
harness. I'll look into that tomorrow.

Thanks also for confirming the tach wiring theory.

On the old harness I'm ripping apart from about a ' 78 Spit, I found two added
'circuit breakers'.  They're two bolt terminal little boxes that look a bit
like the voltage regulator (without spade terminals).  They're marked 30A and
40A respectively. They're not original, and I didn't check what they were
protecting.  The odd thing is that they were in series with the stock fuses!

Anyone else found these in a wiring harness?  Any uses for them?

Cheers, Fred

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