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To: <spitfires@autox.team.net>
Subject: Tuning
From: "Jeff McNeal" <jmcneal@ohms.com>
Date: Mon, 31 Mar 2003 13:53:38 -0800
Another lister mentioned something that I've noticed with my carbs -- the
slight pushing out of air with some fuel misting from the carb throat.  My
engine seems to be running just fine, steady idle, good, strong acceleration,
no pinging and when I turn off the engine, no running on.  I've not formally
set the timing, in part because I'm not sure exactly what it should be.  I
started with a MkIV engine, but it's been highly modified from the head on
down, including a fast road cam from Ted Schumacher (.425 lift).

All outward appearances tell me that the timing is just fine -- but the
reverse airflow from one or more of my carbs (at least when the engine is cold
-- I haven't checked it after warm-up yet) has me curious.

Is this just a very fine tuning timing issue?  Or should I be concerned about
something else?



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