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Exhaust Update & Pure Style & Bendy Spring - mostly OT

To: <spitfires@autox.team.net>
Subject: Exhaust Update & Pure Style & Bendy Spring - mostly OT
From: "James Carruthers" <j.carruthers@rave.ac.uk>
Date: Mon, 31 Mar 2003 11:15:39 +0100 (BST)

*Exhaust* - First up, to those who helped out, my exhaust is now on and
snugly in place - my back/legs/arms are a little sore from lying under the
car. Entirely my fault as I was too impatient to wait and put it up on
ramps - and instead put 2 wheels up on the curb. I took it out for a drive
yesterday and it certainly makes the noise I wanted it to... hard
acceleration from about 2k to 3k is wonderful. Cruising in 4th @ 30mph has
just the right "pose" value :) And even slowing down there are these
little pops it makes... Lets just say, it got a lot of attention from
people outside enjoying the wonderful summers day we had yesterday. I
havent created a monster - just edged it more towards that.

*Pure Style* - Anybody else spot the Spit 4 (might be a Mk II) on the
front of Classic Car magazine this month? Like anything with a Spit on, it
was promptly purchased. Not only was there a fairly comprehensive buyers
guide (well, I don't really need one - but always interesting - and lots
of "well I know that now") with a gorgeous MkIII to show the Spit in all
its beauty. I was also delighted to read another article looking at
various classics in certain price bands. Lumped together with the Spitfire
was, as always was the Mid***. Whilst the Mid*** was described as "Fun"
the Spitfire was stated as being "Pure Style" CHALK ONE UP SPITTERS! We
all already knew that of course, but theres nothing like seeing it in

Oh, the DVD that was mentioned on the list a few weeks back - the french
one - "c'e*** en rendevous" (my french is non-existant) - very cool - but
at #2 a minute a bit costly. I have watched it about 3 times since I got
it though...

*Bendy Spring* - Obviously after installing a raucous exhaust, the Spit
needed a good thrashing (despite now being in a state of untune - I had to
test this thing out - even if it goes slower now). As I have been cruising
around the M25 in my Dad's autobahner stormer Passat the last couple of
weeks, the Spit has been at a bit of a loose end - and jumping in it after
a 2 week absence was all a bit odd - I have no brakes! The road has bumps!
and the gearstick moves about 1 inch. Anyway, I'm still having a few
weirdo problems with steering/suspension... well, I forgot about that when
I took it out and threw it in to a corner perhaps a little too quick - 
and the car certainly told me about it. So I thought I'd better have a
good look at the suspension once again. The only thing Ive noticed is that
the right spring sort of bends - its certainly not straight like the other
side. It bends inwards. I installed new springs and shocks last summer -
but have never noticed it before - but that doesnt mean that it wasnt like
it when I installed it. Anyway - what would cause this?

Hmmm... a bit longer than I expected it to be...


1977 Pimento Red Spit

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