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Re: A question for painting experts

To: "Jeff McNeal" <jmcneal@ohms.com>, <spitfires@autox.team.net>
Subject: Re: A question for painting experts
From: <ptegler@cablespeed.com>
Date: Thu, 27 Mar 2003 00:31:41 -0500
You're not going to like this answer Jeff....
but having just painted a car myself, my first
instinct (read as BTDT..learning the hard way)  could
be a couple of things/variations.

Either the base coat did not adhere to the panel
correctly (IE: a bit of silicone or oil still on the surface
...shops have it floating in the air from other cars being
buffed and polished) and/or the base coat was simply
not completely dry before they laid down the clear coat.
The additional layers of clear coat could effectively
greatly delay the base coat from drying completely.

I also notice a bit of coloration abnormality in the photo...
Could the base and clear coats not have been
compatible?... thus softening the base coat and having it pull.
( just like brake fluid will 'pull' the paint as it evaporates.

Either way...it sucks!

-----Original Message-----
From: Jeff McNeal <jmcneal@ohms.com>
To: spitfires@autox.team.net <spitfires@autox.team.net>
Date: Thursday, March 27, 2003 11:57 AM
Subject: A question for painting experts

>Last September, I brought my primered tub to a professional painter for the
>final block sanding, sealing and painting.  It's a two stage urethane with
>about 4 coats of clear.   With a few exceptions as noted below, the finish
>beautiful and I'm very satisfied -- but a little worried.
>I'm about to go back to the painter to address some finishing problems that
>assume are connected to the use of hardener, or perhaps the thickness of
>clearcoat, and I'd sure appreciate an accurate assessment of the problem
>before I go in, so I at least half-way sound like I know what I'm talking
>I've got wrinkling adjacent to some areas where pressure is put on the
>and I've included a photo of the boot hinge to provide a clear illustration
>the problem.
>Can anyone definitively tell me what's going on here?  FYI, I did not
>the hinges to the newly painted surface shown here until nearly three
>after the paint job, and I'm also having this problem on the front of the
>inside door cap where it presses against the weatherstrip seal.  Normally,
>black vinyl door caps are placed here, but I opted to leave it painted.
>this seal was only placed on the car about a week ago -- nearly six months
>after the paint was applied.
>My current position is that I expect the painter to correct these defects
>no extra charge, since everything from the etching primer on up was his
>and the cost of the paint job was not inexpensive to begin with. Thoughts
>opinions welcome.  Thank you.

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