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RE: Bodywork Prep

To: <spitfires@autox.team.net>
Subject: RE: Bodywork Prep
From: "Rob T. Getzinger" <RTGetzinger@scif.com>
Date: Thu, 27 Feb 2003 12:20:13 -0800
I would have just tapped out the low spots with a hammer and dolly, sanded the 
paint down to bare metal where I could see or feel dips. Fill the low spots 
with body filler/bondo over bare metal. Sanded until it was relatively flat. 
That is where you are at now. Then I would have sprayed a primer/surfacer over 
the whole piece, sprayed the black dust coat and blocked it to find low/high 
spots. You should apply a catalyzed surface putty now over the primer where you 
have air holes. It is much finer than the bondo. The surfacer putty should be 
applied anywhere you have low spots unless they are real low, if real low sand 
down to bondo and reapply more bondo. I wouldn't apply your skim filling over 
the whole thing, no need. A primer/surfacer put on good and think will do the 
same thing with less effort in applying and sanding out. If you apply bondo 
over bondo you should have no problem with layering, use the same product 
though. I would suggest catalyzed products.

-----Original Message-----

Ok folks I have a question on skim filling. My Spitfire bonnet has got small 
dents in it (Well, so what I can hear you say, thats part and parcel of 
owning a Spit)......so I  put a skim of filler over the whole bonnet, I gave 
it a light dusting of black spray paint and got to work with a block and 
sandpaper. I finished this off with my DA. The black spray showed me i had 
some dips so I then gave it a second skim of filler to fill in the dips, I 
gave the whole bonnet a skim not just the dips. Same routine again.  Now I 
still have some small holes where some air got trapped (my fault, but I will 
get better...I promise) after sanding down and DA'ing.  Finally I have got 
round to asking the all important question........... Is it ok to just fill 
in these small holes with filler and sand down or would i create a 'layering' 
problem. Do I have to do another skim over the whole bonnet a third time.? 
Would appreciate some help on this one please.

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