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RE: Odometer readings on Spitfire 1500s

To: "'Michael Hargreave Mawson'" <OC@46thFoot.com>, spitfires@autox.team.net
Subject: RE: Odometer readings on Spitfire 1500s
From: Richard Gosling <richard.gosling@exprogroup.com>
Date: Mon, 24 Feb 2003 09:25:50 -0000

You seem to be suggesting (correct me if I got this wrong) that you are
getting an accurate speed reading but an inaccurate odometer reading - so
the gauge is disagreeing with itself?  But, as you then say, you only think
the speedo reading is accurate at 70mph, so the discrepancy may be
accumulating while you are driving at other speeds.

I'd be more inclined to believe that the odometer within the speedo is
working correctly, since it is powered just by a set of gears - so many
revolutions of the speedo cable must always give a certain number of
revolutions of the digits, regardless of speed.  That only leaves the input
to the speedo cable being wrong - and that is just a function of the ratio
between the speedo drive and the gearbox output shaft, the diff, and the
tyre diameter.

The speedometer mechanism is more likely to be wrong, as the mechanism has
more scope for inaccuracy than the odometer.  The fact that you had to tweak
it so much adds strength to that arguement.

This really leaves only the diff and the speedo drive, since you are running
standard tyres.  Since you have checked the diff ratio, I suppose it can
only be the speedo drive - which is the conclusion you already seem to have
come to!

There's another reason (beyond the fact that all 4-spd boxes have a 1:1
final output) that the problem can't be the gearbox ratios - the speedo
drive is connected directly to the OUTPUT shaft of the gearbox, so it
doesn't make any difference what the gear ratios are, because the bit you
are measuring is always what is being fed directly to the wheels.

Richard & Daffy

P.S. what you seem to have hinted at, but totally omitted any details on, is
that you just took Carly on holiday to Cornwall and back!  Tell us more -
how was the trip?

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