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Dead electrics

To: <spitfires@autox.team.net>
Subject: Dead electrics
From: "James Carruthers" <j.carruthers@rave.ac.uk>
Date: Fri, 24 Jan 2003 13:20:13 -0000 (GMT)
Hello listers!...

Not having had a problem for... oooo... about 2 weeks... I knew one had to
rear its head.

My problem is my electrics are all dead.

What happened... put the key in, engine turned over a few times, no go,
but that is usual... second time lucky... turned over again - whilst the
key was still turned - some sort of click/snap/bang noise happens
somewhere from the front right of the engine bay - (I *dont* think it was
the solenoid poping out) and then nothing.

Fuses are all ok - and the battery is fine (it was turning the engine over
at a fair rate - it didn't start slowing down)

No ignition light, no lighting, no nothing.

I didnt check much more than that as I had to get in to college swiftly
this morning.

My thought was that it might have been a fried solenoid - but Im not
getting any lights either. It seems like the whole electrical system is

So, where should I start probing with my multimeter first???



1977 Pimento Red Spit

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