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RE: O/D oil

To: "'ptegler@cablespeed'" <ptegler@cablespeed.com>,
Subject: RE: O/D oil
From: "Mitchell, Doug (D.B.)" <dmitchel@ford.com>
Date: Fri, 17 Jan 2003 06:51:58 -0500

According to the Laycock manual that I have, you should use engine
oil. HOWEVER, (and that is a big however), the factory manual
recommends SAE 80 gear oil. And as someone else wrote, _do not_
use GL5 spec. There is a sulfur additive in the GL5 that eats
the brass/bronze.

Speaking from 27 years experience, you can use 80-90 weight
without problems.


Doug Mitchell
1973 Spitfire 1500
1973 Stag 

-----Original Message-----
From: ptegler@cablespeed [mailto:ptegler@cablespeed.com]
Sent: Friday, January 17, 2003 3:13 AM
To: CARS Spitfires@Autox. Team. Net (E-mail); SPIT6CGT6@yahoogroups.com;
Subject: O/D oil

I'll be D___ if I ca nfind it in any archives.....
and I know it's been kicked around quite a bit...
but what is better to use in a D type O/D 
tranny....  gear oil or normal engine oil?

Paul Tegler

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