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Re: O/D oil

To: "Spitfire List" <spitfires@autox.team.net>
Subject: Re: O/D oil
From: "Ree Gurley" <reegurley@mindspring.com>
Date: Thu, 16 Jan 2003 17:42:34 -0500
Paul,  I too recall that subject being kicked around a bit.  Though I can
offer no high-tech response, I've been going by the book (GL4 SAE-90) with
excellent results - crisp actuations, no slippage - for quite some time.

Ree G. in S.S., MD  - 78 FM73070U O - 77 FM62988U - 79 FM97639U O

> I'll be D___ if I ca nfind it in any archives.....
> and I know it's been kicked around quite a bit...
> but what is better to use in a D type O/D
> tranny....  gear oil or normal engine oil?
> Paul Tegler

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