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RE: Hardtop "distance tubes" dimensions?

To: "'Ken Strayhorn'" <ken@dukecomm.duke.edu>,
Subject: RE: Hardtop "distance tubes" dimensions?
From: Rick Gregory <Rick@ncmg.com>
Date: Fri, 20 Dec 2002 15:46:20 -0700
Ken - I am hoping to see the answer to your question as well - but I haven't
seen a single reply. Did you by change gat an answer from anyone off-list?

I'd appreciate any info you would share.



Rick Gregory
'74 Triumph Spitfire FM15447UO
'69 Austin Healey Sprite HAN9U81988G
Great Falls, Montana 

-----Original Message-----
From: Ken Strayhorn [mailto:ken@dukecomm.duke.edu]
Sent: Friday, December 20, 2002 6:06 AM
To: spitfires@autox.team.net
Subject: Hardtop "distance tubes" dimensions?

Good morning folks -

On Ebay I did espy a hardtop that not only was the correct
year, but even the same color as my Spit - this was obviously
a sign from on high so I coughed up the cash.

The top is in wonderful shape, the glass looks new and all the
seals are good except for the seals around the door windows.
These are readily available at a modest cost.  The top came
with all hardware EXCEPT the distance tubes and bolts for
the front attach points.

Looking at the manual, I see that the bolts look like nothing
special, and the distance tubes seem to be nothing more than
pipe cut to a certain length.  Well, no one has these in stock
and, besides, I object to paying $10 for a length of pipe,
especially when I need two of them.

So, if anyone has their distance tubes and front bolts handy,
I would appreciate any detail as to their length.  I assume
the bolts are fine thread.

Ken Strayhorn
'72 Spitfire
Hillsborough NC

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