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Spitfire seat foam...

To: "'ptegler@cablespeed.com'" <ptegler@cablespeed.com>
Subject: Spitfire seat foam...
From: "Smith, Brian (Inland-Gaylord)" <BSmith51@ICCNET.COM>
Date: Fri, 20 Dec 2002 10:36:36 -0500
Paul wrote:

Does anyone know of...or have experience
with any company that makes seat foams for a Spitfire
other than the cheap white open cell foam that is TOOOOO
soft.  I'd love to find a set up seat foams that are MUCH
firmer (no not rock hard)  and not made of the cheap stuff
V.B. and other sell these days.  Anyone know of any
injection molded closed cell seat foams? the yellowish stuff?
 Or am I gonna' have to make molds and make them myself!

Paul Tegler


I made my own foams using automotive specific seat foam I bought from a
supplier (Astro foam) in Lake Charles, LA.  I don't know if they are on the
web yet but they have a very complete catalogue of upholstery stuff.  The
seat foams are for some TR4 seats I put in my TR3.  The "bulk" foam is
easily cut with an electric carving knife (yes the one you used on your
thanksgiving turkey).  Use the old ones as patterns.  For areas that require
a bolster, carve the shape and use the foam specific glue to attach it.  The
automotive specific foam is more dense and is fire retardant.  You probably
could find it locally if you have an upholstery supply house near by.

Brian Smith
Inland Paperboard and Packaging
Bogalusa Mill

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