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RE: weird alternator happenings...

To: "'James Carruthers'" <j.carruthers@rave.ac.uk>,
Subject: RE: weird alternator happenings...
From: Rick Gregory <Rick@ncmg.com>
Date: Fri, 20 Dec 2002 09:11:45 -0700
James - from the way it sounds I have to agree whoever else mentioned
that the voltage regulator might be bad. The other possibility is a bad
or diode array (there is more that one actual diode but may have to be
replaced as a module). Otherwise, an alternator should never leak current 
when the car is turned off, that is what the diode array prevents along with

making sure that only DC voltage is supplied to your electrical system. 
With the light on, it is not getting a charge - and since it is discharging 
when turned off, it must be a bad alternator or regulator. But your battery 
may still be shot too - you'll know once you get the other issue sorted out 
if it takes a charge or not.

Rick Gregory
'74 Triumph Spitfire FM15447UO
'69 Austin Healey Sprite HAN9U81988G
Great Falls, Montana 

-----Original Message-----
From: James Carruthers [mailto:j.carruthers@rave.ac.uk]
Sent: Thursday, December 19, 2002 12:04 PM
To: spitfires@autox.team.net
Subject: weird alternator happenings...

Hi Listers,

I finally got around to making a bracket to mount the A127 alternator I
got, fits in there prefectly now.

Anyway, some wierd things are now happening.

I had to jump start the car, as there wasn't quite enough juice to start
the car (having been sitting in the road for a week now, and the
substandard charging I was getting before)

Weird stuff thats happening... the ignition light stays on... I can't
start the car without jump starting (the battery doesnt have enough power
to even engage the solenoid)

But here is the weirdest thing, when the alternator is plugged in (engine
not running), the voltage at the battery starts to go down. When I unplug
it, it jumps up a volt or to and stops going down.


1977 Pimento Red Spit

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