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Color codes was, Re:

To: "Spitfire list" <spitfires@autox.team.net>
Subject: Color codes was, Re:
From: "Tod Jones" <todjones@rica.net>
Date: Sat, 23 Nov 2002 19:34:44 -0500
Any solid green wire will work. Solid green is on and fuzed when the car is
running. British cars all use the same color code. I saw somewhere on the
net the complete color codes but lost the link. It was verry helpfull in
tracing down problems.


Brown - allways hot
Purple - fuzed, allways hot
Red  - parking and marker lamps
Red/White - Instument lamps
Blue - headlights
Blue/red - headlights, low beam
Blue/white - headlights, high beam
White - on while car is running, non fuzed
Green - on while car is running, fuzed
White/pink - radio
White/red - starter solenoid
Purple/black - Horn
Lt Green - stabilised voltage (gauges) (Was Lt Green/green on early cars)
Green/white - Right turn signals
Green/red - left turn signals
Green/brown - reverse lamps
Green/purple - brake lamps
Black - ground

Hope this helps.

Tod Jones
Harrisonburg VA.
67 Spitfire Mk II

> Listers,
> What power sources should I connect my shiney new voltmeter gauge to?
> The instruction leaflet says "a switched accessory line in the vehicle
> fuse block".... whatever that means....
> James
> 1977 Pimento Red Spit (spending the night on axle stands, having run out
> of daylight to finish putting in the new rear spring)

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  • Color codes was, Re:, Tod Jones <=