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Re: Quid question

To: Michael Hargreave Mawson <OC@46thFoot.com>
Subject: Re: Quid question
From: Joe Curry <Spitlist@gte.net>
Date: Fri, 15 Nov 2002 08:12:27 -0700
Michael Hargreave Mawson wrote:

> But where did "Sterling Silver" get its name?   From the little silver
> coins with the little stars on (see above). <g>   "Sterling" silver (the
> silver used for making the sterling/starling coins) was of a particular
> quality/fineness, and was so called to distinguish it from any other
> silver.

According to Webster, it has to do with the fact that it is an alloy and
not pure.  Something like 925 parts pure silver mixed with 75 parts

Which came first is beyond me.  Like the chicken or the egg question!! 


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