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odometers LONG

To: "Triumphs" <Triumphs@autox.team.net>
Subject: odometers LONG
From: "Fred Thomas" <vafred@erols.com>
Date: Mon, 9 Sep 2002 07:36:17 -0400
I'm sorry for commenting late on this topic yet I want to add my over 40 years
of experience in the retail auto sales business here in N. Virginia. Titles
issued starting in the 1960's have a box for stating the mileage on the odo.
as to it being correct/accurate to the "best of the sellers knowledge", ot the
mileage shown is in excess of 99,999,  all states have a law in regards to
odometer tampering with the "intent" to defraud, thus the box for explaining
the odometer mileage, titles have 3 reassingments, so a car can be traded
amongst dealers before a clear title is issued by DMV, but, each reassignment
must have a "federal" mileage statement attached with it, all reassignments
and title transfers must agree on mileage. Many years ago if a speedo broke
and a new one was purchsed it came with a door jam sticker that told the old
mileage with date of replacement, also when restoring a antique car the owner
could go to the state police and have a certificate and door jam sticker
issued stating the odometer had be adjusted accordingly. The law does not say
you cannot adjust a speedo as you want it, it says "intent" for adjusting. I
know a man that tapped speedo's for many years here in N.VA. for so many
dealers it would take 2 pages to list them, he was eventually caught and went
on public television that he was making over $300,000 per year, he was
convicted in court on 1 count of tampering and given 5 years, then the IRS
took over and he got 20 years and lost everything he had.  "FT"

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