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Re: [triumph_herald] Spitfire Gearbox swaps?

To: johnkipping@inet.net.nz, triumph_herald@yahoogroups.com,
Subject: Re: [triumph_herald] Spitfire Gearbox swaps?
From: JohnZissler@aol.com
Date: Mon, 9 Sep 2002 05:54:34 EDT
You know.......... I have been a regular lurker to these lists and it never 
fails to amaze me how knowledgable John Kipping is. May I take this 
opportunity to publicly thank John for imparting such a wealth of knowledge 
to the Triumph fraternity. It must have taken him a considerable number of 
years to accumulate such expertise and to impart it to everyone who asks him 
a question is more than just being knowledgeable. It is downright friendly 
and helpful and I will continue to digest all that he says, and if I only 
know a quarter of what he knows then my LBC will run perfectly
  Thank you Mr Kipping

Happy Spitting...................John
Spit Mk II (1966) in bits..or as some would say (in restoration)
Spit Mk III donor car     ( I am nearly a collector)
Mk IV chassis with all running gear.......(I AM a collector)
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