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Re: Body off resto

To: Jon <triumph@bigolbear.com>, Andre Rousseau <andrer@mac.com>,
Subject: Re: Body off resto
From: "Scott A. Roberts" <herald1200@comcast.net>
Date: Sun, 18 Aug 2002 14:50:58 -0400
> As to length of time, I'm 8 months into the planned year on my frame-off,
> mine- through neglect (my own as well as the DPOs) is more of a total
> (last estimate, the left door handle will be original...) and am now
> 6 more months onto the estimate, primarily because I've found jigging the
> body tub for welding to be a tad more daunting than I thought, especially
> since its for full floor, rockers, A&B posts, sills and possibly
> frame... Basically, once you start the job you'll find daylight showing
> through LOTS of places...

I started my "2 month express restoration" in May of 2001. I am currently
just about finished, some 15 months later. Granted, I really lost momentum
after 9/11, mainly due to shock from the events and a minor depression
resultant, but have resumed full speed progress. As my last progress report
showed, even after a full week of 14 hour days, following 15 months of work,
I was still NOT DONE!

The idea of spreading out is great if you have the room, but once you get
into the meat of the project, you will discover many wonderous and
unsuspected issues to deal with and repair. If you have a team of willing
and capable assistants, thenm time is no issue. If you are a perfectionist
working alone, save for major issues, as I am, then be prepared. You will
not drive her for some time to come. But the result will be worth the
effort- I am hoping for a ride this afternoon.

Good Luck with it!


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