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e-bay honesty

To: "Triumphs" <Triumphs@autox.team.net>,
Subject: e-bay honesty
From: "Fred Thomas" <vafred@erols.com>
Date: Thu, 15 Aug 2002 07:30:50 -0400
Listers, on Monday of this week a e-bay seller had 2 T/R2-4 steel rims
advertised, I e-mailed him asking if they had been tested for straightness, he
said he would have them checked, today I received a reply he spent the $$$ to
have them tested and they failed, he cancelled the auction and then notified
me of the results, this mans name is James Holekamp, I think you can bid with
confidence where this seller is involved, honesty, $$$$ & e-bay are sometimes
hard to combine.  "FT"

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