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To: "spitfire maillist" <spitfires@autox.team.net>
Subject: overheat
From: "Jack" <jkagy@bpsom.com>
Date: Tue, 13 Aug 2002 20:41:59 -0400
Wife and I went out for a short drive in the '78 Spitfire last night to get
close enough to the edge of town to see the sunset.  Takes just a couple of
minutes.  As we were heading along some back roads, I noticed the temp gauge
was well onto the middle mark and heading up.
Normally the needle barely rests on the cool side of the middle mark.  Mostly
it is driven to and from work, about ten minutes but w/ some highway miles to
get it wound up and warmed up properly.
We kept eye on the gauge as we headed back home.  It came to rest at the next
mark on the hot side of the middle and seemed to not be climbing much higher.
Since we had gotten home by that time and shut it off, it was hard to tell.
Lifted the hood and things smelled a little hot, there were no wisps of smoke
from anywhere.
I let it cool down a few hours and checked the coolant and oil.  Kind of hoped
it was low coolant but there was coolant in the radiator tank.  Oil level was
The coolant has not been changed in a couple of seasons, so that will be put
on the agenda.  It also looked like there was some 'junk' in the radiator
tank.  I suppose I should give it a good flushing.
Question is, is there anything I should NOT use to flush out the cooling

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