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NASS Spit together

To: "nass@yahoogroups.com" <nass@yahoogroups.com>,
Subject: NASS Spit together
From: "Livia I. Haasper" <wilivhaasper@sympatico.ca>
Date: Thu, 27 Jun 2002 09:05:37 -0400
Hello friends and listers,
 after a two week absence and the experience of withdrawal symptoms from
this community, I like to report that I'm back from  the trip around all
five great lakes. We went to the Mid Ohio NASS meeting, Triumph show and
races, then drove north to visit with some friends in Milwaukee, and
took the northern Ontario route home.

I'm not sure if any of our NASSERS have expressed thanks to Joe Guinan
and Howard Baugues for all the work and organizing that was done by them
to make this event come together. It was an unforgettable, wonderful big
party. In general, we all just had a blast, thanks to Joe and Howard.
All of your effort is and was greatly appreciated, we all had a great
time. Thank you so very much for all of this.

Liv Haasper
Ottawa, Ontario

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