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Re: Differential differences

To: Mike Welch <mikew@turbopower.com>,
Subject: Re: Differential differences
From: Stephane St-Amant <steph71tr6@crosswinds.net>
Date: Thu, 13 Jun 2002 14:05:13 EDT
Have you noticed if the driveshaft is turning on the '69?

If so, that's why the other wheel is not.

I have a '69 with, as far as I know, the original diff and it will turn in the 
opposite direction... if the transmission is in gears.  The driveshaft will 
turn if the trans is in neutral (less resistance than the wheel I suppose)

'69 Spit
'71 TR6

Mike Welch <mikew@turbopower.com> wrote :

> This is probably something that I should already know, but...  I have a '69 
> with the stock differential, and one that came with a '68 (I don't think that 
> was the original though).  As I was swapping half-shafts, I noticed that they
> are behaving differently.  With both wheels off the ground, if one of the 
> is turned, the other side will spin in the opposite direction on the '68, but 
> won't turn at all on the '69.  What's the difference and which one is
> desirable?

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