Barry Schwartz writes:
> Any body have any good ideas as to why I am blowing alternators? This is
> an AC Delco 63 amp and I've gone through two in the span of a couple weeks.
> This setup has been fine for many years now until this incident -The
> electrical system appears to be in fine shape, no shorts, opens, unusual
> additions etc. The ignition lamp is working, and the wiring is fine.
Were both alternators purchased from the same place? If so, you just may be
in the midst of some of their faulty stock. At one time, a few years ago,
there were a bunch of faulty regulators coming from Mexico, and a lot of
rebuilders were using them because they were cheap. Something similar could
be happening again.
You might also check the resistance of the hot wire going to the battery
from the output post, alternator body-to-ground resistance and the
resistance of the negative battery cable to chassis. I had regulator
problems with the Delco on the GT6 because of somewhat higher resistance in
those areas than was ideal, although not quite the same problems as you
But, it's clearly a regulator problem you're experiencing. If you have to
keep returning the failed alternators, and the vendor can't provide one
that lives, maybe you'll just have to bite the bullet and get a GM or NAPA
replacement regulator and install that.
Cheers, Barry.
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