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Re: British Car Week Report

To: rfeibusch1@earthlink.net, morris@autox.team.net
Subject: Re: British Car Week Report
From: "L G" <boynigel@hotmail.com>
Date: Wed, 29 May 2002 17:11:55 +0000
>Well it is day three of British car week - I've taken my '59 Minor ragtop
>out each day now as the weather has been perfect around Venice and Santa
>Monica. The majority of British Cars that I've seen are late model Jags and
>Range/Land Rovers driven by people who barly know that these cars are
>I drove by comedian, Bob Nelson's red Pickup on Ocean Ave and saw the girl
>from the Marina in her orange, chrome bumper Midget that she drives daily
>but nothing unusual . . . . . .
>Then last night on the way to Shushi, we were driving up Main St, Venice
>when I saw an odd British saloon looking profile parked across the street -
>as we approached, IT WAS A JOWETT JAVELIN!!!!!  I don't know if it was out
>for British car week but it sure was cool!!
>Rick Feibusch
>Venice, CA

Down here, in Costa Mesa,(CA) all I've seen is my car, the usual new Jags 
and yesterday, an early MG Midget (top up, of course!)

I did see a gorgeous fly-yellow Dino-which was bought around the same time I 
bought Nigel, at the same place. The guy drove it for a bit, and started 
changing things on it and after a few weeks decided to take it completely 
apart and redo it. It was finished in time for this years Ferrari 
competition held in L.A. (Last year it was in Dallas) where it took a first! 
The owner was very excited to finally be able to DRIVE it!

Interesting to note-the interior of this very yellow car is BLUE and 
black-yes! The seats are deep, grey blue and the door panels are this blue 
trimmed in black-and it is stunning! Very retro '60s.

Laura G.


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