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Birthday greetings to James Carruthers non LBC

To: "spitfires@autox" <spitfires@autox.team.net>
Subject: Birthday greetings to James Carruthers non LBC
From: "Livia I. Haasper" <wilivhaasper@sympatico.ca>
Date: Tue, 28 May 2002 08:03:23 -0400
Dear listers,
I'm not in the habit of sending out public birthday greetings on the
list, but this is a special one we can not overlook.

Our friend James Carruthers, who's been a steady contributor to this
list, and who is, to the best of my knowledge, the youngest member in
our group, is celebrating his             20 th. birthday.......today.
James drives a pimento red 77 Spitfire in Kent, England, and is enjoying
the trials and tribulations of his Spit as much as we all do.
James is also one of  the nicest person I've ever met on-line and in
real life. He's a student at Ravensbourne College of Design and
Communication in the UK, and he'll make a difference as a human being,
just by being himself, on this blue planet earth.

Happy birthday from all of us on the list, James. Good luck to you,
Your friend
Liv Haasper

PS. James is experiencing trouble with his server and can't except email
at his normal email address.

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  • Birthday greetings to James Carruthers non LBC, Livia I. Haasper <=