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FW: Thereafter and on a monthly

To: spitfires@autox.team.net
Subject: FW: Thereafter and on a monthly
From: Marc Anger <marcanger@mac.com>
Date: Tue, 28 May 2002 09:52:15 +0100
I think Richard is right, it is most probably a virus, because the 
name suggest an invoice (which one would like to open upon reception) 
and the extension is an executable file (a .pdf or.doc would have 
been more likely for an invoice, even thought I would have been weary 
of the second).
I would like to suggest a fairly safe way to avoid SPREADING viruses.
Most of you will use Outlook or Outlook Express as their e-mail client.
1) get a second mailer (I use Eudora on my Macintosh, but there are a 
few of those on PC as well)
2) transfer your address book on that second program. When you are 
sure everything has been transferred correctly, delete address book 
in Outlook.
3) as an extra safety, write a rule that removes any attachment from 
any outgoing e-mail in Outlook (in the "tools" menu)
4) Receive all your mails from Outlook, send all your mails with the 
other program.

This only protect others, so you should still have up to date 
antivirus. It fights the way most viruses spread, which is on 
arriving on a new computer, send a message to every address in the 
address book with the virus attached. the most unsecure program (and 
the most common) is Microsoft's, so viruses are usually written to 
fetch outlook's address book, hence 2).
It takes minutes to get used to do things that way, and the change 
between softwares will probably add 5 minutes to your working day. As 
a reward, you should not infect anyone anymore. And that should make 
you feel GOOD!

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