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Re: [triumph_herald] Progress

To: John Kipping <johnkipping@inet.net.nz>, triumphs@autox.team.net,
Subject: Re: [triumph_herald] Progress
From: "Scott A. Roberts" <herald1200@comcast.net>
Date: Thu, 23 May 2002 17:52:17 -0400
Thanks, John-
That sounds like I should be ok then- I looked everything over real well, and 
it seemed to me that loose was what was wanted. At first it seemed excessive, 
but moving the hub a bit, the ring locked right up, so I figured it was ok. 
Thanks for the confirmation.

Now my next question- What is that second detent pin that utilizes the "Master 
Groove" for anyway? The 3-4 synchro has no need, so why does the 1-2?

Thanks again for the reply,

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