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Re: Valve spring binding test

To: Larry Elswick <sos@kymtnnet.org>,
Subject: Re: Valve spring binding test
From: Dan Canaan <flinters@picarefy.com>
Date: Mon, 20 May 2002 15:10:12 -0700
At 06:06 PM 5/20/02 -0400, Larry Elswick wrote:
>What's the best way to check for valve springs
>binding? Thanks!

At rest, or uncompressed, the rocker arms should give you 0.010" clearance 
under the valve stem.  If you are worried that a valve spring is binding up 
or not releasing fully, pull all the rocker arms and push rods out (keep 
them in order!), clean the springs and pan areas, then reassemble.  You'll 
have to readjust the valves, of course, but that's an easy job.  Probably 
no more than an hour from start to finish for pulling the parts, cleaning 
them, reinstalling and adjustments.
This message has been sent by Dan Canaan, aka Flinthoof.  All content is 
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