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Re: norwegian vitesse

To: spitfires@autox.team.net
Subject: Re: norwegian vitesse
From: Michael Hargreave Mawson <OC@46thFoot.com>
Date: Fri, 10 May 2002 18:40:15 +0100
In article <B901C0DA.1255%janhm@start.no>, Jan Hanchen Michelsen
<janhm@start.no> writes
>I4m new to this list - so I4m posting my first question (s) ... again. First
>time something went wrorng ...
>I4m doing a full body-off rebuilding of a Vitesse Mk1 (one of maybe four in
>Norway), and I 4ve got some questions. Maybe somebody out there can help me.
The best help I can give is to point you to the Herald mailing list at
<triumph_herald@yahoogroups.com>.   Whilst there are plenty of people on
this list who have a great deal of experience with Heralds/Vitesses,
you'll do even better going to the "correct" group.   To subscribe,
simply send a blank e-mail to:

>1. The car was great fun, but a bit scary on bad, wet western norwegian
>roads. So: Anyone got any experience with a camber compensator on a Vitesse?
Not me.

>2. The roof of the car is not to good (nasty glass sunroof), and I4m
>planning to make the saloon into a "convertible", using a copy of a period
>(late sixties) kit, a simple hood and a three piece aluminium/wooden frame.
>The chassis is (now!) perfect, with new outriggers. Should I reinforce the
>outriggers even more?

I am given to understand that you should not need to uprate the chassis
for a convertible - after all, Triumph didn't bother!   No doubt the
real experts out there will fill you in on possible
>3. Where can I buy the extra cabriolet door catches? These are not listed in
>the main part supplier4s catalogues, and the breakers I4ve mailed havent4t
>got them ...

Sorry, I don't understand the question.   I don't have a Vitesse
Convertible, and wasn't aware that they had extra door catches.   Why
would they need them?   I'd be interested to know.


Ellie - 1963 White Herald 1200 Convertible GA125624 CV
Carly - 1977 Inca Yellow Spitfire 1500 FM105671

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