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Re: Spitfire value?

To: Dave Massey <105671.471@compuserve.com>
Subject: Re: Spitfire value?
From: Nolan <foxtrapper@softhome.net>
Date: Fri, 10 May 2002 06:51:19 -0400
I once heard a description of auction buying where everyone thought the 
item sold was overpriced, except for the bidder.  A reasonably accurate 
assessment!  In this case, apparently two (or more) fanatic bidders went 
at it, and bid the cars price up to what you (and I) consider to be 
absurd.  So be it.  I watch this all the time at farm auctions.  

Bradley D Richardson wrote:

>Have Spitfires increased this much in value?  Granted, the car on the
>following Ebay bid has only 46,000 miles, but it's certainly NOT perfect.
> Yet, it sold for $7,300.00

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