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Re: Fwd: Car shows- slight rant

To: OC@46thFoot.com
Subject: Re: Fwd: Car shows- slight rant
From: gary durham <gjdurham@juno.com>
Date: Thu, 9 May 2002 23:34:53 -0500

> As a "real" Triumph owner (in your terms), I wish to make my desire to
distance myself as far as possible from your sort of inverted-snobbery
bullshit perfectly clear.

> Mike

Oh, my... GOD!  I really, really... REALLY... wish that there was some
way in which I could convey the extent of my explosive laughter at
reading your above praise re my virtue.  I owe you my heartfelt thanks,
as I've not laughed so hard, for so long, in quite a while.  Indeed, I've
laughed so hard, that the muscles above my ears are sore.
It WAS (sort of, I guess) good, although I'd have expected (at least just
a 'bit') better from a self proselytizing 'author'.  :-)

Let us see... you've proclaimed to the world that you're not in the
'center'... you've admitted that you're not in the trailer queen lot...

In actuality, my dear boy, you've gone and completely missed (as in
'read') my point.  Compounding this 'minor' matter, you've seen fit to...
you've seen fit to... actually, I'm rather a bit unsure just exactly WHAT
it is you've done, eh?  One can only assume that you've seen fit to
demonstrate your maturity, intellect and charismatic (i.e.
"inverted-snobbery bullshit") eloquence in worshiping me upon the world
stage, in the manner of a public forum such as this sterling list?

Bad form, my boy... very bad form.  Don't you agree that you could have
been considerate to everyone else and typed your love to me in private? 
I mean, it's much easier for me to hit the delete key the once... as it
deserves... rather than the hundreds hitting the delete key.  Just a
'thought', don't you know?

Be that as it may, my point is (was) not what you have erroneously
'projected' it to be.  Rather, my point was that I also love seeing the
'drop-dead gorgeous' concourse quality Triumphs... but they're 'not my
cup of tea', especially in lieu of a work in progress.  The discussion
was regarding a certain type of Triumph owner... not Triumphs themselves.
 What I was trying to convey (and so dismally failed, at least in your
case) was those individuals who 'plop' down big bucks just to 'have one',
then look down their nose at your self-admitted rust bucket.

There is nothing I admire and respect more, than an individual who busts
his or her own ass trying to make a go of it with their own Triumph. 
Whether it comes out sloppy as hell, or concourse, they have my respect
and admiration.  It is THESE fellow REAL Triumph owners that I like to
'hang out' with.

The entire point was that I didn't like hanging around those certain few
owners of every Triumph model, who BOUGHT their cars looks, and then
stand around talking a bunch of crap, PRETENDING to be knowledgeable.  I
hear this type giving out massive quantities of 'BS' to the younger/newer
Triumph owners, just because their overinflated egos demands of them to
be PERCEIVED as knowledgeable (sounds rather familiar to you, hey?)

In actuality, it is these 'types' of guys who cause severe damage to
those of us newer, or younger, or not so financially secure, with their
"Bullshit" (to use YOUR word!) to beginners.  If I had a dollar for every
new Triumph owner who looses heart, burns out and gives up on Triumph,
whether it be because of bad advise, continued drain of capital, et
cetera, because of listening to this 'type' of "Bullshit"... man, would I
own some SERIOUS cars!

You know, earlier today when I mentioned that if we ever met, we could
'tip a pint', then go allow some Pseudo-Triumph owner to humiliate
himself "just by letting him talk"...

I didn't think that you'd be that owner.

And be more polite to the list, and also individuals (such as me, or
anyone else!) in the future, and keep that kind of talk off the public
'air waves' (didn't your mother teach you to think twice before you
opened your mouth?).  If you absolutely, positively, just HAVE to send me
some love letters, be courteous enough to do so in private.

Be advised, however, that I still have no use for 'queens'...

...and to everyone on the list, in general, I apologize for
a.) my admitted immaturity in responding publicly (only this once - I
promise!) at his level.
b.) if my failure to adequately convey my actual meaning earlier today
resulted in anyone else's being offended (i.e. I'm sorry that I'm not
NEARLY proficient enough, nor eloquent enough, in the usage of the
English language... but, hey!  It's not like I'm an author, or anything! 
: )


(Tall, and plain.  Nothing special.  Sigh.)

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