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Re: Tax Disc . Now Bad Roads, Now Self Serve Gas!

To: bradrichardson@juno.com, lytabyron@hotmail.com
Subject: Re: Tax Disc . Now Bad Roads, Now Self Serve Gas!
From: "L G" <boynigel@hotmail.com>
Date: Tue, 23 Apr 2002 17:47:29 +0000
>Only thing to add to what Kris said below is that in the US, you might
>just win in court regarding your example of the attendant putting too
>much air in your tires.  The courts are allowing so much crap today.  My
>favorite to quote is the one about the guy that broke into a school,
>illegally climbed on the roof to break into another part of the school,
>fell thru a 'skylight', and sued because the school didn't have bars over
>the skylight to keep people from falling through.  The fact that he sued
>isn't the weird part, you can sue anyone for anything.  The fact that he
>WON the case blows me away.
>I also wish the judges here had the guts to tell clowns like this, and
>their lawyers, to get the hell out of their court.

Another one for the ASML, eh?

Laura G.

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