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Re: SU Carbs

To: Luke Lewis <lukage@rogers.com>, Spitfire List
Subject: Re: SU Carbs
From: John & Judy Tones <jtones@shaw.ca>
Date: Sat, 06 Apr 2002 11:09:12 -0800
Luke, Joe et-all - thanks much for the info, it was a combination of things
actually. Joe sent a note off line and with his info I got a lot more
agressive with the carb and found two things. 1st there was a small bit of
what may have been carb body metal in the port (hose side) and  2nd, inside
the passage was like Luke suggested, a mess of black crud. I ran a small
wire drill thru and cleaned it all out and will try to get the carb back on
this afternoon.
Thanks again for all the help - this list is great

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