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RE: Circuit for turn signal indicators

To: "'Luke Lewis'" <lukage@rogers.com>,
Subject: RE: Circuit for turn signal indicators
From: Rick Gregory <Rick@ncmg.com>
Date: Thu, 4 Apr 2002 15:47:06 -0700
Doug & Luke - It doesn't get much simpler than that - Thank you for the

Luke - As far as your signal lights go - I would bet you have a bad ground -
I had a similar problem on a '72 Mustang I owned - one of the ground wires
was disconnected but it would find a ground through the other bulb filament
- I would just clean everything up and maybe even create a temporary jumper
to ground using alligator clips & a piece of wire to test the theory. Good


-----Original Message-----
From: Luke Lewis [mailto:lukage@rogers.com]
Sent: Thursday, April 04, 2002 3:34 PM
To: Spitfire List; Rick Gregory
Subject: Re: Circuit for turn signal indicators

This is a very simple operation, there are two wires going to the single
indicator, one from each signal circuit.  They're both green, with white and
red stripes respectively; I think I remember that right was red, but
sometimes I just seem to make memory up.  You just need to get 2 lights and
wire one up to each... if they blink wrong switch 'em  I think I used a test
light first.  Or maybe just one of the green lights I bought.  I tend to
just fabricate myself a test light whenever I need one 'cause they have a
habit of going missing on me.
Near the bottom is a picture of my dash layout, you can see the 2 green
lights in the centre of the dash, they blink in the right directions  Now
all I need to do is figure out why one of my front signals blinks
'on-off-on-off' and the other blinks 'bright-dim-bright-dim'!.


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