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Hood lockouts:

To: "'spitfires@autox.team.net'" <spitfires@autox.team.net>
Subject: Hood lockouts:
From: MICHAEL HANSEN <MHANSEN@Selma.k12.ca.us>
Date: Tue, 2 Apr 2002 14:47:51 -0800
Wow, I finally sold the last car I had to work on to get around and now I
have a car waiting that I want to work on.  What a difference of attitude!

On my Herald, the two brackets that keep the hood from falling forward are
fine when they are extended.  But, when folded they (right and left) are
both rubbing on the second course of the coil springs.   The car is not
derivable yet but this looks to be a problem.  Are they supposed to be on
the outside of the wheel wells?  I do not see any other holes which they may
have been previously fit.

Are most of the steering parts, drive shaft u-joints, rear end and axils
available as early Spitfire parts?

Mike Hansen
Dinuba, CA

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