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Re: A Trip to the Seaside

To: Michael Hargreave Mawson <OC@46thFoot.com>
Subject: Re: A Trip to the Seaside
From: "Livia I. Haasper" <wilivhaasper@sympatico.ca>
Date: Wed, 27 Mar 2002 15:51:09 -0500
are you crazy telling us all of this?. Up here in Ottawa, we're up over our 
in snow, the car is still in pieces, engine parts lying around, paint still not
finished. Dear lord, will we ever get things running?????  The support vehicle 
in need of a body/paint job with a deadline of 2 1/2 month to go,  if we'll ever
make it to the Mid Ohio NASS meeting.
Some guys have all the luck......and the cars to go with it........
67 Spit

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