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Re: Optimistic!

To: spitfires@autox.team.net
Subject: Re: Optimistic!
From: Michael Hargreave Mawson <OC@46thFoot.com>
Date: Tue, 26 Mar 2002 16:55:10 +0000
In article <p05010402b8c64bbf7831@[]>, Marc Anger 
<marcanger@mac.com> writes
>Well Richard and Mike, I have been topless since Saturday. I actually
>had a go last WE, because I had just bought Decibel, but for no more
>than an hour (still, my fingers were numb enough to make it difficult
>to put the hood back on).

You really need to get that heater fixed.   The disadvantages of singed 
ankles are more than outweighed by the advantages of warm fingers.

>We are going to Stratford upon Avon this WE and it should be fun:
>Camping for 3 days (a dog agility event), the dog... And a lousy
>weather forecast.
>Not sure yet if I'll be brave enough to bring Decibel along...

"We" - so at least two of you, plus clothes, etc., for three days.

A tent (or caravan).

A show dog, plus bedding, and food for three days.

In a Spitfire.

No wonder you entitled this thread "Optimistic". :-)

Mike and a topless Carly

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