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gasket and head bolts...

To: spitfires@autox.team.net
Subject: gasket and head bolts...
From: mayer49@netscape.net
Date: Sat, 23 Mar 2002 13:42:06 -0500
Hey y'all,
  I am sorry for all of the beginner questions in the last few weeks, but i am 
really trying to make some headway this week on the engine.  

Question 1:
  I got a whole new set of head bolts and took the old ones out.  Now my 
problem becomes torquing the new ones down.  I tried using one nut on top of 
the other and tightening them ubtil they wouldn't tighten anymore so as to 
tighten the stud.  However, this casued the nut to ride up over the smooth part 
of the stud and messed up the threads on the inside of the nut and then wehn i 
took the nut off it tore up the threads on the stud as well.  What should i do? 
 Any tricks of the trade i should know about?  And what should the torque be on 
these?  In the manual it doesn't really say?

Question 2:
  Again with the head gasket.  One side of the gasket shows the metal rings 
around each individual cylinder.  the other side seems to have a more 
continuous metal connecting all four cylinder openings.  I am assuming the 
second side i described is facing down onto the block and the other up towards 
the head, but i'm not sure.  Any advice?

Thanks again for all your help.
 '68 Spit Mk3

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