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Re: [triumph_herald] Herald Progress

To: "Scott A. Roberts" <herald1200@comcast.net>
Subject: Re: [triumph_herald] Herald Progress
From: "Livia I. Haasper" <wilivhaasper@sympatico.ca>
Date: Sun, 03 Mar 2002 12:29:31 -0500
seems like you're doing fine, except for the girlfriend.
that is.
This sounds like our story. Since early October we've spend every minute on the
spit, doing what you're doing. Our goal is June, at the very least. The parts
battle seems to be the only thing holding us back big time.
We still have the engine and the tranny to assemble. Just hope, that there are 
big surprises.
Keep it up,
67 Spit

"Scott A. Roberts" wrote:

> Yes, I do have a job outside my Herald restoration... But I have no social
> life, no current girlfriend, nothing else to do in my spare time. And I can
> commit to a hobby till I find the aforementioned girlfriend. Besides- I want
> to DRIVE this car- not muck about with its innards till I die.  And, if you
> know what you're doing, and preplan well, little tasks fly by. Last night, I
> disassembled two trannys, chemical stripped many small parts in preparation
> for glass beading(You may ask why- I'll tell ya'- less media used stripping,
> less time doing the glass beading. I use that for the finish surfacing to
> grip the new paint) including the rims(5) Today, I'll be carting the parts
> over to glass bead, then prime most of them over the next few days.
> While I am doing that work, I toss in other needed things- I will be
> finishing the assembly of the rear seat, and recovering the dash, as the
> original covering got a nice star in it. All my sub assemblies save for the
> Engine and Tranny are finished, and I just have a few hours of body
> smoothing to do.
> So, the 29th is a much more reasonable time frame than you might think. I
> had thought she'd be done by last June, when I'd started the previous
> November. And I am now behind schedule, as I really didn't feel like even
> messing about with her for about 3 months after September 11...
> Haven't rushed yet,
> Scott :)
> Subject: Re: [triumph_herald] Herald Progress

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