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another beginner question...

To: spitfires@autox.team.net
Subject: another beginner question...
From: Mayer49@netscape.net
Date: Sat, 02 Mar 2002 18:30:53 -0500
Well good afternoon y'all.
  This being my very first project car ever and first engine re-build ever, i 
have yet another stupid question.  
  I am going to be putting the head gasket on my '68 Spit next weekend (too 
cold and snowy this weekend without a heated garage to work in).  Now, i looked 
at all my gaskets in the set last week and i noticed that on one side of the 
head gasket there is a small piece of metal in between the cylinder holes, not 
just around them....but acctually in-between them.  What is the purpose of this 
and when installing does that go down on the block or is that facing up and 
contacting the head? 
Like i said, stupid question.  But this being my first rebuild ever i want to 
do it right and know why it is right.
Thanks all.
  '68 Spit MK3


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