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Re: Mystery Light?

To: spitfires@autox.team.net
Subject: Re: Mystery Light?
From: Dan Canaan <Flinters@picarefy.com>
Date: Sat, 29 Sep 2001 16:52:28 -0700
At 07:25 PM 9/29/01 EDT, BrYarboro@aol.com wrote:
>Hello again!
>I've been driving the '67 a lot, electrics are working well, all is right in 
>Spit World. One question, though: I've got a light directly over the
>column. What does it do, how is it activated? I don't see it on my circuit 

That would be the brake warning light connected to the valve assembly on
the shelf in front of the master cylinder.  Grounding the wire should
illuminate the light.

>Also, I've still got steering play. I've checked the hub tightness
>new outer tie rod ends, good inner tie rod end, all new poly bushings, the 
>entire front end is rebuilt. Could it be something in the steering column 
>itself? Bushing, how about the joint just above the rack pinion? What about 
>the screws that hold the two parts of the steering column together? 

I'd try slipping in a screwdriver into the small universal joint in the
steering column just above the steering rack itself and turning the wheel
until the shaft jams.  It should be very tight at that point.  If you have
any more play but the screwdriver and rack don't turn, then you have play
in the upper column or in this joint.  Try doing the same thing this time,
but instead turn the wheels by grabbing a tire and twisting it back and
forth.  See if the wheels stop hard or if they still have play in the
system.  Doing this test will give you a chance to see which end still has
the play in it.
 |             |   1968 Triumph Spitfire Mk III   *   Furry Artist      |
 |  Flinthoof  |--------------------------------------------------------|
 |     Dan     |--------------------------------------------------------| 
 |    Canaan   |     ConiFur NorthWest 2001 - Furries in Seattle!       |
 |             |--------------------------------------------------------|
 | CONIFUR NW  |   Flinters@picarefy.com * http://jarmac.picarefy.com   |

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