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Re: Off Topic - War

To: Spitfire List <spitfires@autox.team.net>
Subject: Re: Off Topic - War
From: Ben Miller <no1-bronco-fan@home.com>
Date: Wed, 12 Sep 2001 12:35:37 -0700
I know I won't be real popular for this but that's ok. This is still America and
I still have a right to my opinion!

How do you propose that this will change anything? The animals that perpetrated
these acts of war against this nation have been raised to believe that we are
all; men, women, children; military or civilian, are all combatants, that we are
evil and that they are fighting a holy war and will go to heaven immediatly if
they die while fighting their "holy war". This is the type of people you propose
using rationality, logic and kindness with? We've tried it over and over and New
York is where it has led us! An act of war has been committed by people who
believe what they have done is right and just. It is now up to us to SHOW them
that they are WRONG and that acts of war will NOT be tolerated, here or abroad.
It's time to take off the kid gloves! If that means war with Afghanistan, Iraq 
whoever harbored the animals that brought war to us then so be it. I am willing
to fight for the freedom and security of my nation. Are YOU?
Ben Miller
-An act of war has been committed. We MUST react accordingly!-
'79 Spit - "Bitsy"
Corvallis, Or.

Michael Hargreave Mawson wrote:

> In article <200109111545.AA542834892@141.com>, Laura Gharazeddine
> <Laura.G@141.com> writes
> >You know, people who commit such acts do them because they feel
> >horribly disenfranchised and completely between a rock and a hard
> >place. Find the exact people responsible for this act on the WTC,
> >and work to make the situations better for the rest-so that they
> >won't feel the need to commit such acts in the future. As long as
> >people feel in that situation, there'll always be twice as many
> >volunteers to fill the shoes of suicide bombers and terrorists.
> You are so right.   I have never been terribly impressed with your
> current President (I believe few outside the US are), and I am terrified
> that he will prefer "glorious vengeance" to seeking a solution.   If, as
> he and other world leaders are saying, these despicable acts were
> attacks on Freedom and Democracy, then let us not lose sight of the fact
> that Justice, not Vengeance, is at the root of both.   Let us hope that
> your government catches the evil men who plotted these attacks, puts
> them on trial, and punishes those found guilty appropriately.   Let us
> hope that your government does not, as I have seen suggested elsewhere,
> bomb Palestine or Afghanistan to rubble.   That would not be justice.
> That would not be democracy.   That would not be worthy of a great
> nation.
> It has long been considered by analysts that the aim of those who commit
> terrorism in the United States is to provoke a despotic response from
> the American government.   To destroy all those things for which America
> is a symbol - Freedom, Justice, Democracy, Liberty.   If your government
> reacts to these atrocities with anything other than calm dispassion, and
> even-handed justice, then the terrorists will have achieved far more
> than terror; they will have destroyed everything America stands for.
> Let us hope that all the governments of the world can work together to
> change forever the circumstances that lead people to believe that
> terrorism is the only way their grievances will be listened to.
> My thoughts and prayers are with all those who fell victim to these
> horrific attacks.   Let justice be done to their murderers, and let no
> more innocent lives be taken in a search for vengeance.
> --
> Mike
> Michael Hargreave Mawson, author of "Eyewitness in the Crimea"

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